Information for Shoppers
Please use the following information and resources to have a very successful and fun event during this year's 301 Endless Yard Sale.
Yard sales can be found at homes located along the designated route on US 301, in business parking lots, alongside streets adjacent to the route, and even in wide open fields and pastures in our rural communities between the towns proper.
Where does it BEGIN and where do I PARK?
The length of the US 301 Endless Yard Sale travels from Weldon to Dunn, a 100-plus-mile stretch through North Carolina. You might decide to start at the southern end (Dunn) and travel north, start at the most northern point (Weldon) and travel south, or start anywhere in the middle depending on where you jump onto HWY 301. Our vendor maps are a great way to find prime locations for the sale!
Parking may be limited in some areas to driveways or roadside in other places. Make sure your vehicle is safely parked off of the road. HWY 301 will remain open throughout the entire 2-day sale. Therefore, please obey all traffic laws. WATCH FOR PEDESTRIANS and WATCH FOR OTHER VEHICLES.
Each vendor is on their own and can choose when they want to begin selling, but the suggested vendor hours are 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM.
Can I SHIP items home?
Definitely! You found something you just had to have but don't have room to load in your vehicle? Many communities have shipping centers and of course Post Offices. They will be glad to work with you to get your items home so you can continue on the yard sale route. During our first sale we noticed many large box-type vans -- if you are a buyer, we hope you fill up your vehicle!
Is there an ADMISSION FEE?
NO. You should never have to pay admission. The event was not set up for that purpose.
How long will it take me to get from point A to point B?
That depends on how disciplined you are and how much ground you want to travel in one day. If you have to stop at every yard sale then it may take you a while. It is easy enough to "cruise" the yard sales and travel a modest distance but it is also easy to get caught up in the event and spend 3 to 4 hours in one area. We suggest you pre-plan your route using our vendor maps, decide in advance how much time you want to spend in each area, and try to stick with your plan. But most of all - have a good time and enjoy the sights and sounds!
Are there HOTELS near the yard sales and should I make RESERVATIONS?
Yes, there are plenty of accommodations located along the way. Making reservations is a wise decision but you have to have a plan and be disciplined to make your destination for the night. Getting a room may be difficult if you wait too late in the day to find a place, but it is not impossible.
The 301 Endless Yard Sale is an event that takes place across multiple town and county jurisdictions in the State of North Carolina. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with all state and local laws pertaining to roadside sales. The organizers of the event have no authority to regulate or establish rules for the 301 Endless Yard Sale and are in no way responsible for the safety of participants or have any hand in the private sales which will take place along the route. Though great effort has been made to educate the public on best safety practices at yard sales and road market events, we in no way accept responsibility for any injuries which may occur during the 301 Endless Yard Sale event. Any individual participating is personally responsible for any and all events during the sale.