Noon, Wednesday, October 12, 2011

John Lampe Building, Market Street, Smithfield

Present: T Godwin, B Dixon, D Mills, C McLamb, M Patel, T Stewart, K Henthorn

Absent: H Stump, P Boucher, M Boyette, J Godfrey

Staff: D Bailey-Taylor

I.          Call to Order – Vice-Chairman T Godwin

T Godwin called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm and stated that a quorum was present.  With no corrections, the agenda was adopted.

II.        Vice-Chairman T Godwin

Discussion was held concerning leasing space at the John Lampe building in downtown Smithfield.  Discussion included questions whether this location would provide more foot traffic, current lease expenses versus new lease, and the length of the new lease. The group toured the proposed office space. There were no negative comments as this office space provides greater visibility for JCVB, more space and a meeting room.

T Stewart motioned to entertain a lease with John Lampe pending review of the lease by David Mills.  M Patel seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

No other business was discussed.

Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm.

Next Meeting

Johnston County Tourism Authority

Noon, November 2, 2011

Visitors Bureau Administrative Offices

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Dixon, Secretary/Treasurer