Kids Just Wanna Have Fun!
Looking for something to do with the family in any weather? Johnston County's Children's Activities Trail has indoor and outdoor fun for the whole family.
From farms to museums to parks and splash pads, wear out your little ones. Explore the entire trail or pick and choose activities to suit your needs - there are education and entertainment options.
All kids have a sweet tooth, right? The trail also includes places around JoCo to pick up a sweet treat like ice cream, shaved ice, or a yummy baked good.
Looking for indoor activities? How about bowling, escape rooms, and art classes? We've got it all!
Play the Day Away
The map below is interactive with Google map points that will tell you more about each stop and help you navigate to where you want to be. This trail is broken into themes like art activities, playgrounds and parks, museums with kid-friendly activities, and farms with tons of family-friendly fun throughout the year.