Thursday, AUGUST 19th
Citizens Informational Workshop
Johnston Community College
Lobby, Paul A. Johnston Auditorium
The Johnston County Visitors Bureau encourages all local citizens, business leaders, and elected officials to learn more about the I-95 Toll Road issue and the potential impact on our communities in Johnston County. In a recent meeting, a concerned group of tourism professionals, chamber and economic development leaders heard from NCDOT more about the survey being conducted on toad improvements and how to fund the needed repairs on I-95. What we heard was “no toll, no road” which feels like we have no option but to accept the tolls.
Everyone agrees I-95 needs improvements, however saying .10 or .20 per mile is deceptive. When you do the math for travelers through our state you are really talking about $36 to $70 roundtrip. That will change travel decisions and have an impact on being competitive for economic development. Yes, all this has to be “approved”, but if we wait until the votes are cast to be vocal, I think it will be a case of ”too little too late”.
The Johnston County Visitors Bureau will be developing our own (5) points of concern and conduct surveys of residents, business leaders, elected officials and our visitors to provide additional information on this issue. I hope we will work together to get this survey out to the community, to educate them on the issues and to get their feedback. Make no mistake, this “user fee” is not just a tax on visitors, but for each one of us in the county. I personally commute on I-95 daily and at $2.50 each way to Benson, it would mean up to $1,200 a year. Will I drive US 301 like many other commuters…yes, and how can US 301 handle the additional traffic? Where would the money come from to make improvements on US 301 if there is no money for I-95?
Right now, there are more concerns and questions than answers. As leaders in our community, let’s step up and make sure we are thinking big picture and come up with the best solutions for Johnston County as well as all the communities along I-95.
NC Carolina DOT will hold a series of seven public meetings, known as Citizens Informational Workshops, for the I-95 Corridor Planning and Finance Study. They will be held in several facilities near the I-95 corridor, throughout the state of NC, beginning at 4pm and ending at 7pm. In addition, you can email NCDOT at and visit for more information.
I-95 Corridor Study, Citizen Informational Workshop Dates:
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Johnston County
Johnston Community College, Smithfield
Monday, August 23, 2010
Wilson County
Bill Ellis Convention Center, Wilson
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Harnett County
Dunn Recreation Department-Community Center
Monday, August 30, 2010
Robeson County
Robeson Community College, Lumberton
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Cumberland County
Holiday Inn – I-95/Cedar Creek Road, Fayetteville
Read All About Us!
For more than ten years, the staff of the Johnston County Visitors Bureau has been curating unique content about the people, places, food, attractions, and shopping throughout Johnston County to share with you, our visitors! Keep in touch and read our weekly blog posts -- and we hope you visit us soon! #visitjoco

Donna Bailey-Taylor
Donna Bailey-Taylor started as the Director of the Visitors Bureau in August 1996, and continues to love her job and promoting the county. Donna has deep roots in the county as her father's family is from Benson and her mother was born in Clayton. Donna has big dreams for the county in the area of tourism development, hoping the Mountains to the Sea Trail will be completed between Clayton and Smithfield and the new Visitor Center/Museum at Bentonville Battlefield will happen. There are many tourism development projects in the works and it's an exciting time for tourism growth in the county. Keep in touch via Donna's blog!