- Address: 7000 US Hwy 301 S., Four Oaks, NC 27524
- Phone: 800-849-0802
- Fax: (919) 963-6458

- Details
- Amenities

It all started back in 1812 when the House family migrated from England to Newton Grove, N.C. The millstones for the original mill were shipped across the Atlantic from England to Wilmington, N.C., and then ferried up the Cape Fear River and transported by oxcart and mule team to the original mill site in Newton Grove.
The House mill grew and eventually merged with the Autry Brothers Mill Company in 1967 to form what is now called House-Autry Mills. In 2001 we relocated our mill to a state-of-the-art facility in nearby Four Oaks, N.C.
For many years, our number one product was corn meal. Over the years we’ve added a number of traditionally seasoned breaders and coatings for chicken, seafood, pork and vegetables.
We’ve added hushpuppy, biscuit, and cornbread mixes, sauces, and our oven-baked product line. What has stayed the same? All of our coatings are specially milled and mixed to cook up light, crispy, and tasty. That’s one reason several of our products, such as our hushpuppy mix, are the best-selling brands in the entire country.
Today, we’re available nationally in more than 30,000 food stores. Our products are also being served through food service distributors, restaurants, and restaurant chains throughout the country.
After 200 years, we continue to bust with pride to help family meals become as Southern as possible. We’re grateful to all of you for inviting us to your dinner table regularly, and take a great deal of comfort in knowing we’re keeping the Southern tradition alive. Enjoy!
General Information
Parking Lot:
- Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm, Friday 8am-12pm
Make a Johnston County Product:
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