We wish for the very best weather for your visit, but it's best to be prepared!
As we say in the South, it's not the heat but the humidity! Of course, we think we have the best of the seasons to offer visitors.
Not too cold in the winter, with average temperatures in the 50s with an average of 2" inches of annual snow fall.
Visitors will experience all four seasons here with the Spring temps in the 70s and with rain fall bringing us May flowers, so we don't complain.
Summers are hot, we admit, with temps in the 90s, but cold sweet ice-tea and air condition are called for in June, July, and August.
It's just the best time of the year here with low rain fall (leaves turning bright oranges and reds, and football weekends), with mild temps in the mid 60's to low 70's.
Whatever the season, we hope the weather for your visit is perfect! For the most up-to-date weather reports, click on the WRAL Weather Channel.

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