Johnston County , NC welcomes ALL visitors to enjoy our destination. As an organization we strive for accessibility and inclusivity of all destination assets, experiences, and services. JoCo is home to beautiful, rural outdoor spaces and recreational opportunities including parks, trails, waterways, and even historic sites - many of which are partially or fully accessible.
To help all our visitors, and residents, prepare to recreate in JoCo the Johnston County Visitors Bureau is committed to the on-going process of working with our recreation partners to effectively communicate on our website which of our natural assets and recreation facilities are accessible and to what degree. To plan your trip and learn more about accessibility, read on.
Destination Accessibility Statement
We believe that travel should be accessible to all, regardless of disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, class, or religion. We are continually working with our partners to improve the accessibility of our destination offerings and more effectively share this information through our various platforms including our website - more about this in the next section. We welcome your feedback, questions, and concerns. Please contact us a info@johnstoncountync.org or 919-989-8687.
We invite visitors to our Visitor Center at 234 Venture Drive in Smithfield to learn more about the different opportunities available throughout the area. Currently, our location provides accessible parking, slopped sidewalk access, and accessible restrooms.
Destination Accessible Assets and Experiences
As mentioned above, the Bureau is continually working with our partners to improve the accessibility of our destination offerings and more effectively share this information through our various platforms. This includes our website and our partner listings provided to inform visitors about all their is to experience and explore in JoCo.
We are currently in the middle of a destination-wide accessibility audit, seeking feedback from our recreation partners on which natural assets and recreational facilities in JoCo are ADA compliant and to what extent someone differently-abled may be able to access and enjoy those recreational offerings. We understand that not every outdoor experience in JoCo is currently accessible to all, or could be in the future, but our goal is to one, accurately communicate current conditions to visitors before they arrive and to two, work with our destination partners to keep accessibility part of the conversation moving forward as our recreational assets and trail infrastructure expand.
A full audit has been completed on (click through for accessibility details on each attraction):
-Howell Woods Environmental Learning Center
-Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site
-Clemmons Educational State Forest
-Kenly Area Parks & Recreation Center
-Princeton's Ray M Floors Community Park
Many of our trails, greenways, and parks are accessible, though not fully audited:
-Sam's Branch Greenway: accessible gravel parking with ramp access to the trail which is mostly flat and paved
-Clayton Riverwalk on the Neuse: accessible gravel parking with ramp access to the trail which is mostly flat and paved
-Buffalo Creek Greenway: a flat, paved trail with adjacent paved accessible parking at the Smithfield Community Park
-Smithfield Recreation & Aquatics Center: accessible parking, an elevator, a flat indoor walking track
-Harmony Playground in Clayton: all-inclusive playground with accessible parking
-Partnership for Children Park in Smithfield: all-inclusive playground with accessible parking; a park of Smithfield Community Park
Johnston County's heritage attractions are also accessible:
-Ava Gardner Museum: accessible parking behind the museum with accessible sidewalk access and all exhibits on one level
-Benson Museum of Local History: handicap street parking with accessible sidewalk access and all exhibits on one level
-Tobacco Farm Life Museum: accessible gravel parking lot and all exhibits on one level
-Johnston County Museum: accessible parking behind the museum with accessible sidewalk access and all exhibits on one level
Preparing for Adventure
JoCo provides attractions and adventures that are suited for all visitors. Request our visitor guide to get your adventure started! While the accommodations section in the guide includes a Handicap Accessible icon, please call your specific accommodation in advance to discuss your needs. We can’t wait to see you in JoCo! Please note, that conditions in outdoor areas change quickly depending on rainfall and other factors so be sure you plan ahead and prepare.
State Guides And Local Accessibility Resources For Visitors
-North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: ACCESS North Carolina A Vacation And Travel Guide for People with Disabilities
-Visit NC: Accessible Adventures: NC Fun for Travelers of All Accessibilities
-North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission: Disabled Access and Opportunities
-Accessible Nature: North Carolina Accessible Easy Trails
This page was updated on 5/29/24.